

Tardy Logger is a desktop application for automating the creation of target passes for the Farrell B. Howell ECE-8 school.


It allows for quickly searching and printing Hall Passes on a thermal printer. In addition, it pushes log records to google sheets for updating records or analytics on tardy frequencies.

For a full list of features and configuration instructions see the README on the repository. README

Code Repository

Privacy Policy

Tardy Logger does not share any information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

API Access Details

Tardy Logger uses google sheets to pull the Student data into memory for searching and printing passes. In addition, it will append a row to a google sheet specified in the app config (TardyLogger.exe.config). This application does not collect any data from users. All data access is only used for feature support in the application and no data is collected by the developer of this application.

Google sheets API does collect some minimal usage statistics as part of their API and those statistics are made available to me for purposes of API usage tracking.

The application will promt you for access on first launch and saves the refresh token locally. The only connections made are from the local application directly to googles servers. The permissions needed for the features grant access to all of your google sheets, but the application will only ever interact with the configured in the application configuration file.